by レイジーグーフィー

【HHC】Are you the one who is looking for this new compound?


What is HHC?

HHC is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid, meaning that HHC was made from compounds of natural cannabinoids but with slight modifications.

It was initially created and then used in tests on lab rats to better understand its effects on the endocannabinoid system.

The tests were a success, and they stimulated the CB1 receptors sufficiently to yield its therapeutic effects.

This article discusses;

  • What HHC is
  • How it works
  • What studies have been done on the cannabinoid

As more research is being done, be sure that this article will be updated with relevant information.

How does HHC work on the body?


HHC goes by many names, but one of its most common ones is 11-Nor-9β-hydroxyhexahydrocannabinol. 

HHC is also known as HHCB or homoharringtonine. This is because it can metabolize into harringtonine, which has some therapeutic properties on its own.

HHC’s chemical structure is very similar to THC’s, but there are slight changes here and there.

Like THC, HHC will bind to the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors. Yet, it does not activate them similarly to THC, which is why it has been deemed more efficacious than THC in some studies.

The mechanisms by which HHC works are still being studied, including inhibition of adenosine uptake, inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX) activity, and induction of monoacylglycerol lipase inhibition.

What are its effects?

HHC is mainly being used as a recreational drug.

It provides euphoria and a high that can last up to 2-3 hours. Some users also report sensations of deep relaxation, accompanied by feelings of well-being.

HHC has also been used to relieve chronic pain, allowing users to get through the day without the need for other aid.  

What are its adverse effects?

Some negative side-effects of HHC may include;

  • Tachycardia (increased heart rate),
  • Hypertension (elevated blood pressure),
  • Hypomania /mania (abnormally elevated mood/agitation),
  • Hiccups, delusions, hallucinations, paranoia, twitches & seizures, severe anxiety.

Possible demerit and market expectation


The possible drawback for HHC is that it can cause hepatotoxicity. Hepatotoxicity means damage to the liver and could be a result of overdosing or excessive use.

Many people are also skeptical of synthetic cannabinoids because they do not come from nature. Therefore, it does not feel as if it has a natural balance that Mother Nature intended for it to have.

As more research comes out on HHC, there will be definite proof of its benefits and detriments. In the meantime, some think that it will be a synthetic cannabinoid that is widely used in the medical field.

As of now, it has been approved only for use on humans, but research continues daily to find new therapeutic uses for HHC and cannabinoids as a whole.



HHC is a synthetic cannabinoid that can be used for many therapeutic purposes. However, more research is required before it becomes widely available.

It can bind to the CB1 receptor subtype of G protein-coupled receptors and has been found to activate them in a way that differs from THC. For now, this means that there are medical benefits to the synthetic cannabinoid, but more research is being done to find uses that are best suited for the body.

HHC has also been found to cause hepatotoxicity in some test subjects, so its overdose potential needs to be studied further. Additionally, the FDA has not yet approved HHC. But as research continues on this cannabinoid, better therapeutic uses may be found.

That’s it for this time. Thank you so much for reading.

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